Friday, January 21, 2011

My closet....

Seriously I know MOST all Females think the same thing while browsing the closet trying to find something to wear or more importantly when they are going on a trip... but HOW do I have a walk in closet full of CLOTHES that NONE of them I really want to wear or really even like!
Even more importantly why in the last 5 times that I have "cleaned my closet out" have I not thrown out all the sweaters from like HIGH SCHOOL, the jeans that have frayed bottoms or the MLLIONS of tshirts that I dont ever even get to wear. I am thinking that if I cleaned my closet for real I would be in SHOCK at how much empty space I would have left over rather then attempting to clean it out and saying that I could probably wear this someday! I also have that VERY TOP shelf going around the entire closet and it is PACKED of crap.. let me think of the last time I actually got on my step stool to see what was up there.. hmmmm YEARS?!?!
So my goal.. GUT this closet, seriously give all this nonsense cluttering up my closet/brain and I am guessing if anything comes out of this it will have an easy decission getting dressed... I will prob have like 5 choices!!

1 comment:

Emmy Kim said...

this is absolutely what I think every time I get dressed in the morning.